• dance ,
  • Documentary films, under 30min
2023 | 30 min

Fat Dance


Dancehall dancer Evaleena Vuorenmaa gains 40 kilos and is forced to face the judging gaze of her employers, society and even herself. Fat Dance is a short documentary about a woman who decides to take the power into her own hands and build her image the way she wants it to be. Is it really true that sexiness is not about size?

DIRECTOR: Kirsikka Saari
SCRIPT: Kirsikka Saari, Antti Reikko
CINEMATOGRAPHY: Kerttu Hakkarainen
SOUND: Pietu Korhonen
EDITING: Antti Reikko
MUSIC: Upright Music
PRODUCER: Marianne Mäkelä


Kirsikka Saari

Kirsikka Saari is a screenwriter-director based in Helsinki. She was Oscar nominated for the short film Do I Have to Take Care of Everything? (2012). She wrote the script for Stupid Young Heart which won the Crystal Bear in Berlinale and Jussi Award for the Best Screenplay. Her works as a screenwriter-director include the collaborative film Force of Habit and awarded short films After the Reunion and Super Comfort. She has written a critically acclaimed novel and play for the Finnish National Theatre (Depression Comedy, co-written with Jenni Toivoniemi). She has graduated from the Helsinki University and ELO Film School Helsinki in Aalto University.

Read more about the director


Otto Suuronen

Advisor / International Promotion and Cultural Export of Short Films

• festival distribution strategy for short films and short documentary films
• travel, project and material and marketing support for short films and short documentary films
• monthly short film screenings at Kino K13
• curating short film programmes

+ 358 9 6220 3019