Facts & Figures 2022 now published

Finnish Film Foundation’s yearly statistics publication includes data on the Foundation’s support, film production, distribution and gender equality.
The latest Facts & Figures looks at the success of Finnish films internationally, both at festivals and in cinema distribution. We also examine what countries are represented among the films distributed in Finland both commercially in cinemas and at festivals.
The gender statistics include data on the producers, directors and scriptwriters of the films that received production support in 2022. Data is available by genre. Gender statistics for Finnish films screened at international festivals are also available.
Last year, the Finnish Film Foundation handed out over 25.1 million euros in support – 11 million euros less than the previous year when 12.5 million euros of pandemic support was granted to the industry. Support for production accounted for over 73% of the total sum.
Finnish cinemas screened a total of 217 new releases last year, a record breaking 58 of which were domestic releases. Cinema admissions totaled 5.8 million – 70% more than the previous year when cinemas were closed for longer periods of time due to pandemic restrictions. The domestic market share was 1.6 million admissions or 26.9%.
Download Facts & Figures 2022 (PDF)