New publication: Guidelines for the prevention of sexual harassment in the film and television industries
The group produced a material that was subsequently delivered to all the major production companies in Finland. The material, Guidelines for the prevention of sexual harassment in the film and television industries, is now published also in English.
It is recommended that the Guidelines are actively used within the industry. The material should be available to both the management and the employees. The Guidelines propose clear instructions on how to act when witnessing sexual harassment.
They cover the following sections:
- What is sexual harassment?
- Prevention of sexual harassment
- Guidelines for victims of sexual harassment
- Guidelines for managements
- Guidelines for someone accused of sexual harassment
The Guidelines will be published also in Swedish by the end of spring, and there will be training events on how to prevent harassment.
The organizations in the working group: Finnish Film Producers, Association of Finnish Film Directors (SELO), Finnish Playwrights and Screenwriters Guild, Trade Union for Theatre and Media Finland, Finnish Film Foundation, Finnish Actors Union, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences, Arcada University of Applied Sciences, Aalto University, Department of Film, Television and Scenography, Union of Film and Media Employees Finland, Theatre, Film and Television Designers, Finnish Society of Cinematographers, The Finnish Documentary Guild, Association of Independent Producers in Finland, Animation Clinic – Finnish Animation Association, Women in Film & Television Finland, Kopiosto/AVEK, Finnish Chamber of Films, Finnish Film Distributors Association, Finnish Cinema Exhibitors Association.
Further information:
Reetta Hautamäki
Head of Communications
The Finnish Film Foundationreetta.hautamaki@ses.fiTel. + 358 9 6220 3044