Osallistu Scandinavian Filmsin webinaareihin Cannesin virtuaalimarketin aikaan


Elokuvasäätiö osallistuu yhdessä pohjoismaisten sisarinstituuttiensa kanssa Cannesin virtuaaliseen markettiin tutun Scandinavian Films -bannerin alla. Järjestämme viisi webinaaria ajankohtaisista aiheista niin elokuvatuotannon kuin levityksen ja esittämisen saralta.

Webinaareihin voi osallistua, vaikka ei olisi akkreditoitunut Cannesin markettiin. Osallistuminen vaatii kuitenkin rekisteröitymisen (kts. linkki alla). Kielenä on englanti ja puhujat tulevat Pohjoismaista. Moderaattorina toimii elokuvatoimittaja Wendy Mitchell.

Rekisteröitymislinkit webinaareihin

HUOM! Ylläolevassa linkissä näkyvät ajat ovat Ranskan aikaa. Alla ilmoitetut kellonajat ovat Suomen aikaa.

Marché du film online 22.–26.6.2020

Pandemic Production: Lessons Learned in the Nordics

Monday June 22,  16:00
In the midst of the Coronavirus global pandemic, film and TV productions restarted (safely) earlier in the Nordic countries than the rest of the world. Learn from top directors and producers how their shoots have resumed safely, as they discuss case studies of how exactly they have met the challenge of new health, safety and social distancing measures, as well as new insurance and financing challenges.

Aage Aaberge, producer, Nordisk Film, currently shooting NARVIK (Norway)
Nina Laurio, producer and partner, Dionysos Films (Finland)
Lars Bredo Rahbek, Head of Production, SF Studios Denmark and now shooting MARGRETE – QUEEN OF THE NORTH  (Denmark)
Kristinn Thordarson, head of production, Truenorth (Iceland)
Sara Young, writer/director, MOST UNWANTED (Sweden)

Going Green

Tuesday June 23, 11:00
The film industry shares the globe’s growing concern about sustainability. There are many positive steps that film productions and the film ecosystem can take to make themselves more ‘green.’ Hear from Nordic experts about practical suggestions and new ways of thinking  to make your business and your films more sustainable.

Ronny Fritsche, Environmental Strategist, Film i Väst (Sweden)
Ásthildur Kjartansdóttir, director, THE DEPOSIT (Iceland)
Anne Ahn Lund, Jordnaer Creative (Denmark)
Mads Astrup Rønning, Founder and Creative Director at Babusjka & Founder of Green Producers Club (Norway)
Saara Saarela, director, MEMORY OF WATER (Finland)
Mikael Svensson, Film Commissioner, Southern Sweden Film Commission (Sweden)

Reaching Audiences in 2020 and Beyond

Wednesday June 24, 15:00
Learn how Nordic distributors and exhibitors are adapting to the unprecedented times of 2020 both with cinema and VOD releases. What innovative approaches are helping films reach audiences, and how will distribution and exhibition adapt even when the world gets ”back to normal.” Experts from across the Nordic countries will present case studies from their own countries, offering lessons learned and thoughts about the future.

Ditte Daubjerg Christensen, Managing Director, Øst for Paradis (Denmark)
Peter Fornstam, CEO, Svenska Bio (Sweden)
Truls Foss, Head of Programme Cinema, VEGA Scene (Norway)
Jonas Holmberg, Artistic Director, Goteborg Film Festival (Sweden)
Mika Siltala, CEO, Cinema Mondo (Finland)
Hrönn Sveinsdóttir, Managing Director, Bio Paradis, (Iceland)

Fresh Flesh: The Rising Nordic Genre Talents

Thursday June 25, 18:00
Meet the new voices in Nordic genre filmmaking. We talk to rising genre talents about their upcoming projects, and also about trends in genre filmmaking. How are they exploring new ideas with genre and what’s so special about genre storytelling in the Nordic countries?

Hanna Bergholm, writer/director, THE HATCHING (Finland)
Emma Broström, writer, KNOCKING (Sweden)
Kjersti Helen Rasmussen, writer/director, THE NIGHTMARE (Norway)
Marc Fussing Rosbach, director, TARRATTA NUNAANNI (Greenland)
Sissel Dalgaard Thomsen, writer, BREEDER (Den)
Marteinn Thorsson, writer/director, RECURRENCE (Iceland)

Getting Your First Feature off the Ground

Friday June 26, 11:00
You’ve made great shorts, TV episodes, webseries or commercials, but want to take your career to the next level. Does it feel impossible to make that big leap to your first feature film? Filmmakers from across the Nordic countries discuss how they have moved onto their debut feature, and what they learned on their journey.

Khadar Ahmed, writer/director, GRAVEDIGGER (Finland)
Nathalie Álvarez Mesén, writer/director, CLARA SOLA (Sweden)
Erika Calmeyer, writer/director, STORM (Norway)
Tinna Hrafnsdóttir, writer/director, QUAKE (Iceland)
Lisa Jespersen, writer/director, PERSONA NON GRATA (Denmark)
Ninja Thyberg, writer/director, PLEASURE (Sweden)